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Chantard Iwakura 03/26/2024 (Tue) 12:15:08 No. 1798
i am very autistic about imageboards, please post anything and everything related to imageboards and internet culture please ^_^
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>>2295 im pretty autistic about imageboards and textboards just not enough to make a thread like this or even organize anything im also lazy cant remember every single textboard and imageboard ive been on either too much text tbhtbhtbhngltbhfambamski
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you have to leave an impact for me to remember like say an fallen imageboard operator that used to have 1000/pph on a 8ch*n clone (p*tch*uli) going completely fucking deranged to the point of demanding and blackmailing posters he believes should be on his site forcing content and spamming cp on every single fucking imageboard when noone is using his surreal forced imageboards he also spammed every where before doesnt stop there its not a single p*tch*n but many crypto ones too and legacy ones p*tch will spam his own imageboards he perceives shouldnt have users with first a link to his "new" imageboard and then cp spam his own imageboard he also considers posting sh*td*ck a "punishment" instead of say shitposting p*tch is gone im extremely desensitized and will probably forget this place exists unless baka baka acts cuter ill probably forget about p*tc*y in 3 months too
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>>2306 this tends to be a slow place people come and go anyways, every baltchan successor has been ever slower than the last. most chans suck nowadays, we're in the death spiral, the internet is dying. me personally, i'm just here to ride it out on whats left because when it comes to the chans, don't forget, You're here forever
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>>2309 i think ive been on baltchans or was it balkanchans before but i forgot >because when it comes to the chans, don't forget, You're here forever yet u refuse to headpat me and the site randomly blocks proxys for the poor schizos curious well anyway i only really use chans that have 0-1 users and the admin i also just lurk usually i have nothing to say unless im deranged like right now :^) >most chans suck nowadays, im getting headpats from the admins now chans rock for me even if decentralized and federated ones never took off imageboard software has always been deranged and broken just like their developers i can even twist this so autistically to say a majority of chans are either blogchans now or what i said its webshit this isnt out of the question except for gopherchan or using nn*pchan with a news reader >the internet is dying. to me it died both after eternal september and when knowing how to operate a bgpd was no longer required to route but for you i think your internet keeps having short revivals with link lists and the gimmicky webring thing thats how you find blogchans without identifiable software text usually just lurking those
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>>2311 *headpats you* ♡ (˘▽˘)\( ˘⌣˘) also proxies outside tor aren't blocked some of them just require a captcha
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forgot to upload a few
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>>2313 yaaaaay x3 >also proxies outside tor aren't blocked some of them just require a captcha thats funny i dont see a captcha but that definitely make me not post here
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>slavshit wow im not the only one who says that >kingshitposter.png stolen oc from not99chan (dead) i like how that op is a metashitpost id make but more comprehensible
i miss the noncapey vipstar elitist complexes too capey is too ruleb*xed for me and his site is like a prototype of deranged forced larpers
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>>2315 i really miss bunbunmaru >>2316 also it's not so bad, the bypass captcha lasts a weak and iirc is stored in cookies not by IP >>2318 and as for stolen oc i'm mostly just dumping things from bibanons "20151102_13GB_4chan_Reaction_Folder_100MB_Stories" right now for the sake of having something to dump here and not having dug through it before. some other ones are also clearly stolen in that archive
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>>2320 i cant remember bun i just know i was on it lurking now what that was my shitposting board after it became le gay mero left an impact like not99chan >also it's not so bad, the bypass captcha lasts a weak and iirc is stored in cookies not by IP baka rulec*ck wants me to give cookies to him hmpf still no captcha >something to dump here and not having dug through it before yucky cheater im letting god do it for me by entropy yucky yuck yuck revisionists are rampant on sites like bibanon trying imageboard culture nonir*nic is le painful the most useful thing is the monar archive about lnbs imgboard.cgi from 1995 it separates the deranged larpers and their revisionist grifters from anyone who seriously studied this retardation like a massive faggot nanodesu then again i think lnb goes back to 1993 and 1995 was the last archive i could get i forgot >and as for stolen oc i was saying that as a tease not99chans oc would be lost to the garbage tubes known as the internet otherwise lole
lnb left an impact since it really solidified pedolithuaniany is a fundamental part of (((imageboard culture))) and those who refuse to accept the cp floods on 4cuck being normal are deranged into their own neurosis no different from the dud to me but cucks cuz they arent even scamming and datamining retards and no fun cuz its not p*gchan and theres 0 schizophrenic admissions about gay international flaggots thanks for cumming 2 my imageboard autism talk and headpatting mesu mew
lol good word filter the last lithuania i knew was a pe​dolithuanian
well not black so its more wig​ger than nig​ger but yeah lithuanians eat each other and complain about latvians being kikes to me nonstop
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latvians complain about lithuanians being kikes to me nonstop and the trashtonia /int/ lithuanians i had to deal with are fucking bpddemonwhores i havent ran into alot of them i can remember
>>2326 left the word filter in there its funny if latvians start claiming trashtonia is no different than lithuania
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>>2322 i would hardly take bibanon seriously, but naturally there are going to be things i've missed, so filling in the gaps with the archives pleases my autism. i hardly touch them though tbh
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>>2326 I like the bpddemonwhore posters. t. diagnosed bpddemon Pedoshit comes with the unmoderated anything goes culture of imageboards. CP floods are not part of that. The first is fine, whilst the second is obviously a legal issue.
good morning faggot
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>>2328 >i would hardly take bibanon seriously i dont like you for no reason >so filling in the gaps with the archives pleases my autism but i dont romantically love you it should fail ur autism due to being too much normallithuanian forced takes if was funny g*yops like some tart*ria shit it be different but i cant remember the last outthere opinionated take on (((imageboard culture))) ive seen on one of those edgy wikis unless kuzozykins larp neocities counts but i cant remember it enough not vary silly wait i just got the original image during this shuf
>>2329 ah thats also why i had feeling it was like that im into loli doeever i just name pedonig​g​ers like that which do dumb shit like keep asking for a clear cpchan or well yeah only save from cp floods on 4cuck during lmao >unmoderated >CP floods are not part of that. >posts the image of that exact (((culture))) i brought up funny bpdwhore try being lax on p*tchy hes a gay hurtcore kike
>>2331 Hurtcore is bad, children deserve true love not abuse.
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for reference an*chan from 2003 which became ov*rchan had an unmoderated news group called ov*rchan.porn it had nonstop cp floods and its still in the archives those who act like its abnormal and not part of the (((culture))) are beyond help infact the way 4cuck works you could say things that get you banned and deleted are even more part of the unmoderated culture instead of cucking to some r*lecucks everyone just had sex with proxies its fine you wish to not moderate it thats what a majority of an*chan nodes did not carrying ov*rchan.porn unmoderated newsgroups accept everything no matter what theres nothing like nocem its final its max retarded to claim its abnormal and whine when it happens instead of expecting it when opening a free speech site and dealing with it also well retarded to go for extreme free speech at the lengths of spam is free speech without saying no cp i dont wanna get shutdown or something like that cuz those cp flooders still have an edgy (((entitlement))) and they will hunt down a site like that to get their fix until p*tch left i dont know of any more of them those who complain like that are no different than the dud but missing anything good for themselves its self harm :^)
>>2332 yeah i agree p*tchykins is just that deranged hes a gayhurtcore pedonig​ger but hes too fucked up to even leave his consternation camp so its moot
i miss nazo @bbsparty it was the same extreme cp flooding is freezy peachy this shit never started with imageboards and somethingevil is a fraud
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of course that was bbs and most of those didnt have "attachments' so it was more link floods which textboards prove cp link floods are less likely to get the site btfot
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*somethingevil somethingawful im just metawhining about (((imageboard culture))) being dead and a joke by the fact there isnt 3-5 malicious retards going around every single imageboard flooding them with cp like usual atleast the edgy hackers that just destroy imageboards for no reason are making a comeback its in the past but it did make me rant legitimately to see retarded nsos feed spammers what they wanted and whine about the most basic shit theyve miscomprehended what they signed up for and the ones who have retarded circlejerks shouldve ran a closed forum
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if you wish to be deranged enough some bbses functioned like imageboards when modems were in wide use but honestly the ptsn is fucking trash the first imageboard on the victorian internet is some analog automation with stone slabs to run functions for posts you controlled with your electric typewritter imageboards are the domain of inventors and primordial electronic enthusiasts by this logic not even pedolithuanians that enjoy flooding cp over slights or shits and giggles or glowlithuanians masking within them to get sites shutdown these inventor imageboards im on many of them but honestly its nothing like what i just said peerchan (dot) net so much fucking webshit before this bathroom dividing walls in the classic period where used by armies to shitpost and it was kinda like imageboards of course cave paintings too but not really this is why i fail to take (((imageboard culture))) seriously it keeps getting worst and more illogical being a massive faggotlithuanian sucks big time nanodesu copefully the dumb bpdwhore cirno can figure out what im saying and look it up then process it but i doubt it bpdwhore gets turned off whenever i textwall like this and i lost cuteness to the new meta moodswing aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
wait i just noticed the bpdwhores stylometry is different from cirnos ew gross its that absolute lithuanian that goes around promoting bpdcringe to my schizos perspective
>>2344 >first pic context?
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>>2320 here cirno https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/wakaba.html you arent like me so you wont accept this >>2344 >atleast the edgy hackers that just destroy imageboards for no reason are making a comeback thats one of the more advance ones he likes to hack communities and impersonate like a in*l goon and generally cause chaos and ruin lives if you mean the site i think its one of those ernstchan splinters i cant remember nor care its kc ti*r :^)
>>2346 bottom text of >>2347
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danke schizoanon i will add to the list with haste u_u
also i don't think i've posted this one in the thread quite yet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMgWnCMAigw
>>2349 so much for me talking about imageboards now baka ill just schizo hmpf
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>>2350 tubgurl.com/ashleyj ive never understood these i have a faint idea look at moo.jpg but i dont understand them
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>>2352 you're certainly back to schizophrenia a-non
>>2353 it gets better i just got booted :^)
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>>2354 got it working again so im going post another one nailgun.world
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Edited last time by REDACTED on 09/30/2024 (Mon) 15:14:18.