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Jonas 12/05/2022 (Mon) 02:11:58 No. 22 Reply
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508.62 KB, 750x922
Isn't it kinda weird that soyvininkas can't afford 6 euros a month for hosting and has to beg his users for money? I mean if he's that broke he must be on the verge of homelessness or some shit, 6 euros is less than a spotify subscription. Makes no sense at all, I think he's just scamming his users for their pocket money as a joke.
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9.74 KB, 219x187
We need a new 370chan, without discordfags and with an admin who could pay 6€ a month for hosting, or would host by himself, like litchan does.
If I had to pay 6 eur a month for site noone uses I'd also stop caring.
6€ is not hard to come up with if he actually cared about the site, it is 100% a scam. I respect that THOUGH.
370 chan is dead (real) Jonas 04/04/2023 (Tue) 11:45:50 No. 30 Reply
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rip 370ch.png
22.96 KB, 348x332
370chan has fallen, and because there's no lithuanian imageboards left, the entirety of lithuanian chan culture has fallen as well... It's over.
9 posts and 6 images omitted.
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>>39 >Pirmą kartą apie tai girdžiu Pagaliau po tiek laiko ir išsidavei, gudruoli.
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469.36 KB, 1903x980
Prisikele is numirusiu blet jau xz kelinta karta, kiek supratau is naujienu soyvininkas nutekstas salin, adminas naujas
370chan vistiek ass ten vieni pyderai
Jonas 08/29/2024 (Thu) 21:50:15 No. 42 Reply
392.61 KB, 607x680
Miku sako Lietuva Lietuviams
370ch is dead (for now) Jonas 12/19/2022 (Mon) 22:11:44 No. 24 Reply
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133.10 KB, 640x777
Whenever I try to post, I get redirected to delfi.lt lmao. Pretty funny, soyvininkas, I'll tell you that. Seeing as there are no posts from 3 am of today, I think I'm not the only one with such inconvenience, but who knows...
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whats with the ugly deviant art
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>>25 Looked cute, tbh.
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>>27 That's because /ko/fags don't understand beauty of art, since they've completely fried their prefrontal cortex by cooming to slint eyed midgets.
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200.58 KB, 720x720
>>28 That girls a Japanese dumbass, this is a Korean. I am not a /ko/fag, I just think art involves draw better than a schizophrenic toddler.
Jānis 07/12/2022 (Tue) 21:12:59 No. 16 Reply
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273.33 KB, 691x835
Sojau, pirdūnas pizdūnas esi. Konteksto žmonėms - yra Cibulio draugelių kompanija, Sojus kažkiek jai priklauso, kažkas pakritikavo Cibulį ir savininkas ėmė bybį čiulpinėti savo draugams ir doksinti kas toks ką postino 370chane. Jobani telegrampydariai. For English speaking niggers - the current owner of 370ch.lt is a wee lil soy cunt that has no shred of dignity left and reveals the IP post history to his faggot friends so that they know who to harass. Savininkas žinoma vaidins debilą ir sakys, jog čia kažkas išgalvota, bet tegul jis teina nahui. Melagiai bybiai blet.
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1.85 MB, 1098x1184
big surprise, feel free to tip him a non refundable donation
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>tjk paveiksle mano postas Jau ėmiau pergyvent, kad mane ims persekiot sojų berniukai
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von į reditą jei kažkas nepatinka
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>>20 Čiongas kaip tik turėtų būti erdvė su mažiau orvelizmo, nei reditas ar soc tinklai, sojau.
Jānis 06/18/2022 (Sat) 10:08:35 No. 12 Reply
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5.13 KB, 259x194
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and it's now confirmed that he is a russian from klaipeda... wow..
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>>13 i miss antanas so fucking bad its unreal>>13
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Jānis 05/26/2022 (Thu) 21:33:04 No. 11 Reply
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120.35 KB, 523x545
ahhhhhhh o man taip gerai
Bruh 05/12/2022 (Thu) 20:16:19 No. 6 Reply
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234.74 KB, 640x640
Danke. I'm surprised you didn't pass. Let's hope Estonia's Red Dead Redemption goes through.
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309.45 KB, 643x720
>Estonia's Red Dead Redemption What?
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>>7 >Danke Wait are you the baltchan.net guy?
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>>7 Estonian song had cowboy aesthetic (in my opinion) >>8 Yeah, I was in baltchan, but only for a bit.
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>>9 Ah, Eurovision. That makes sense. I am surprised too, Latvia and Bulgaria were great.
Jānis 05/11/2022 (Wed) 09:51:26 No. 3 Reply
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The Eye of Providence is notoriously used in both American AND Lithuania. Lithuania, where is the philosophers stone?
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>>3 aleksoto kosmodrome
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>>4 thx will put this info to good use
Jānis 05/10/2022 (Tue) 23:57:19 No. 2 Reply
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172.57 KB, 430x342
Congrats on qualifying from Latvia! Even if your song was more boring.

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