9chan.lv | 9chan.fromhell.lv | IRC | Discord | Telegram | Library
A song a day #2 Jānis 05/20/2023 (Sat) 01:22:47 No. 932 Reply Last 50
old one autosaged
88 posts and 122 images omitted.
47.00 KB, 727x194
>>2189 I really like the vibe aswell, but it's annoying as I never know how to describe it to try and find more music like such. Wikipedia describes him as indie pop >In an Apple Music interview with Zane Lowe, Thomas described his style as a fusion of rock, R&B and Boom bap production he designated as "Rock & Boom", a derivative sub-genre of all three. "...the sound that I'm crafting that's called Rock & Boom. It's R&B with the intensity of rock, it has R&B toplines. The boom of course for boom bap, it's the boom bap penmanship. It's also the boom because the 808s is gonna shake the world."[21]
Telepopmusik breathe.mp4
9.41 MB, 640x480
Oldie, but goodie
Jānis Board owner 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:05:54 No. 172 Reply
We're back. I hate running this fucking website. Fuck every mongod developer individually and fuck lynxchan. pieces of shit. fingers crossed this hack doesn't cause more issues in the future (you crash over a missing log file really?????? fuck you piece of shit)
>>172 Owner-san, will we ever migrate from lynx-chan?
>>173 that's the dream realistically never in theory, whenever i get bakaba usable :D
WEBM THREAD #3 Jānis 06/11/2024 (Tue) 10:23:03 No. 2133 Reply
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3.27 MB, 480x480
It took a full year and 6 days to fill up the old one. Let's see how long this one stays.
17 posts and 44 images omitted.
JPG Thread Jānis 05/24/2022 (Tue) 14:35:12 No. 74 Reply Last 50
WEBM thread for images, because categorizing threads is too hard
177 posts and 455 images omitted.
Jānis 05/19/2024 (Sun) 17:46:56 No. 2058 Reply
20.83 KB, 474x261
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42.66 KB, 500x374
good morning my.mp4
305.29 KB, 720x720
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Jānis 05/05/2022 (Thu) 19:02:14 No. 3 Reply
Have you seen this Cirno? Well now you have.
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61.98 KB, 1019x764
19.08 KB, 225x225
>>467 Just noticed the url change. Are we not baltic experts anymore?
Real IP
>>498 No, the same reason lost the twitter account, the same lost email had to login to prevent the domain expiring
150.74 KB, 463x613
Absurdres Jānis 10/23/2022 (Sun) 01:51:02 No. 1309 Reply Last 50
High resolution details
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>>2180 >Only 2/3 uploaded Ah, Lynxchan
?? I give up
293.79 KB, 645x773
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Jānis 04/06/2023 (Thu) 08:22:25 No. 1207 Reply
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4.89 MB, 1000x562
I don't need relationship I have vtuber. Many oshi wifes!
36 posts and 52 images omitted.
>>2173 No you don't! Foxes are known for spreading rabies. And 10ma sounds like she has it.
41.16 KB, 180x263
>>2174 In that case, I'll just spread rapies to her.
>>2174 oh so that's why she's so angry o.o i will take that risk
Banners Jānis Board owner 05/06/2022 (Fri) 20:30:17 No. 107 sticky Reply
27.97 KB, 312x97
This acts both to let others help create new banners and to store the files in one convenient place.
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Jānis 06/26/2024 (Wed) 18:17:21 No. 2166 Reply
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394.09 KB, 1280x960
Reminder that this is your appearance
join my tg group Jānis 10/12/2022 (Wed) 13:21:53 No. 68 Reply
Real IP
253.63 KB, 1068x738
lefties and jews are not allowed. A few things you need to know, >I don't count albanians as aryan >I count latvians, lithuanians and estonians as white >I count some russians as white but it is a case to case basis That's all.
Real IP
>russians >white russians are slav, you idiot
>>68 damn looks like such a channel no longer exists? maybe your that much of a failure?
Jānis 06/10/2024 (Mon) 00:36:12 No. 2123 Reply
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lidl is trying to bankrupt our public transport system through monopoly tactics >Jaunais “Lidl” busiņš pilno maršruta apli veic apmēram 30 minūtēs, pieturot esošajās sabiedriskā transporta pieturvietās: “Lidl” veikals – Višķu ielas pietura – 15. trolejbusa galapunkts – Šķirotavas stacija – Ikšķiles iela – Latgales iela – “Lidl” veikals.
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533.86 KB, 836x811
>>2127 best balt
>>2152 How is the weather in Latvia? Had some rain and wind?
63.65 KB, 639x679
>>2155 i don't know i haven't left my apartment much lately. seems nice not really rainy or anything :^) not too hot anymore either
Jānis Board owner 12/21/2023 (Thu) 14:44:21 No. 147 Reply
More site updates. You'll notice at top, more links, library page includes many imageboards. I also made the snow a little less ugly.
2 posts omitted.
Oh and I also add yuchan
>>167 consider adding dead boards somewhere at the end of the library for archiving purposes. maybe funny to click through them and see if somecirno has bought the domain.
>>169 considered and yeah I think I will going to install dokuwiki first i think, sshing to update the list is annoying
Jānis 06/09/2024 (Sun) 00:19:58 No. 2121 Reply
105.59 KB, 1044x326
check her out
Jānis 06/05/2024 (Wed) 19:47:32 No. 2108 Reply
This is my wife and we are [i]madly[/i] in love. What do you think about her?
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>>2114 Mumei is cute irl but that's not her essence. Mumei in 2D is superior
>>2116 Is it not? True eyes see through the facade. This whole scene, this mass masquerade breaches the sanctity of 2d, abominable and revolting in it's entirety. In the end, you do you. There's nothing wrong with having kuso taste (blatantly false statement).
>>2117 If vtuber is a facade of 3D so is anime/manga (written and embodying the written spirit of a 3DPD human)
Jānis 06/06/2024 (Thu) 22:40:18 No. 2115 Reply
101.46 KB, 1083x1024
what do you think about this?
6.41 MB, 640x512
Not much; had trouble realising what poni was supposed to be at the bottom (batkastan?)
Latvian torrents Jānis 05/30/2024 (Thu) 15:14:45 No. 2086 Reply
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262.55 KB, 1080x1361
Share torrents of latvian shows/movies.
287.10 KB, 1629x863
206.58 KB, 1032x960
if you can get an invite code or account, fano.in, but users can't generate new invite codes anymore because you have to buy it from a missing admin there's also a lot of things on rutracker. and you can search torrent descriptions or use like btdig or whatever. generally tough luck finding shit would be interested if any new trackers/uploaders came about however here's something i've been enjoying https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6534161
Web surfing thread Jānis 01/24/2023 (Tue) 01:01:02 No. 493 Reply
527.53 KB, 828x826
search techniques (google): >inurl: >site: (can include tlds like .lv) >"index of /" >intext:, allintext: >filetype:, ext: >allintitle:"index of /" (at end) https://wiby.me/ found interesting things i've found >some mostly older latvian language IT lectures, linux based, still updated https://odo.lv/ftp/lectures/ >often very old computer software http://ftp.lanet.lv/ftp/ >old mostly broken services http://02.lv/, overwritten mp3s @ http://mp3.02.lv/ >interesting website by some student http://kartupeļi.lv >learn haskell https://www.haskell.lv/ >looks neat https://initiate.space/ >latvian weeb shit, deadlinks for subs/dubs http://sakura.ucoz.lv
35 posts and 22 images omitted.
Jānis 04/19/2023 (Wed) 11:55:04 No. 601 Reply
42.55 KB, 485x480
> A message is mandatory.
36 posts and 45 images omitted.
73 posts and 532 images omitted.
WEBM THREAD #2 Jānis 05/12/2023 (Fri) 02:38:36 No. 637 [AUTOSÄGE] Reply Last 50
Last one >>7 died
199 posts and 440 images omitted.
Anime Recommend Thread Jānis 05/10/2022 (Tue) 04:53:15 No. 770 Reply Last 50
Recommend Anime you like and discuss. To start, some not so niche: Squid Girl Girl's Last Tour Wataten Given
72 posts and 57 images omitted.
>>2036 I work full-time, you just have to git gud and use your weekends tactically
251.57 KB, 1200x1800
>>2035 Is salad bowl worth it? I saw a couple of clips and it looked realy random
>>2048 Salad Bowl is absolutely worth it. It's comedy that's actually got me laughing every episode.
Jānis 05/12/2024 (Sun) 09:20:12 No. 2037 Reply
116.00 KB, 1048x574
why is it number one, it's not that good?
2 posts omitted.
161.91 KB, 1385x671
as opposed to what? fucking anilist?
>>2041 Only animu site I use is anidb. Frieren is still high up on it, nevertheless.
160.86 KB, 1579x703
>>2042 it's so high up on everything :( why can't good things be up there
Sluts Jānis 04/27/2024 (Sat) 12:49:32 No. 1989 Reply
3.91 MB, 1024x570
post yourself whoring out for teh interwebs
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1.18 MB, 750x422
This is now a deepthroat thread
8.96 MB, 1822x1080
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2.32 MB, 854x480
>>2030 love it when they struggle
1.66 MB, 640x360
3.80 MB, 1280x956
these would be better if the guy stopped summoning demons while nutting
Jānis 05/08/2024 (Wed) 16:46:04 No. 2024 Reply
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1.03 MB,
I wish I could find a Nipah~! soudfont
Crno 11/11/2023 (Sat) 08:10:12 No. 1537 Reply
9chan: the most active site on the 'net yo
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290.00 KB, 640x360
>>2017 yuh huh
>>2017 >>2018 kill yourselves on stream
Reminder Jānis 03/31/2024 (Sun) 09:29:47 No. 1864 Reply
134.50 KB, 662x640
>>1864 omg patchy
Jānis Board owner 05/02/2024 (Thu) 05:34:00 No. 163 Reply
Now with captcha-free posting Don't make me regret it
Still requires a single bypass captcha if you're listed as a blocked ip, but we only use one hopefully not bloated blocklist for that (stopforumspam). It should be a lot smaller because I removed all the DNSBL triggers.
cool cool
Jānis 04/28/2024 (Sun) 19:52:08 No. 1999 Reply
280.84 KB, 435x253
Sometimes I look at some pictures, and I think about the contexts, the details around them. What kinds of things do you think go down here? Are we fishing for loli? Or does the loli fish for fish? Does it remain? A lot to think about.
The context of the said image is that it's a cropped version of an ancient (closing in on two decades by now) edit of a picture of a sign leading up to the Kishū binchōtan (a type of charcoal) museum, which had a section for Binchō-tan, a character from an iyashikei series of the same name, which later became an official mascot character for the nearby forestry society. Here's a streetview link from a few years ago when it was still up: https://www.google.com/maps/@33.8504167,135.3941002,3a,53.2y,65.68h,77.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfD-QfXTxiLFKFXYlfsZpbA!2e0!5s20180701T000000!7i13312!8i6656
Jānis 04/26/2024 (Fri) 23:18:10 No. 1986 Reply
2.72 MB, 4032x2268
you couldnt draw a worse kranklis if you tried
645.82 KB, 1000x1000
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Atleast it is a real krankler, though it does look suspicious, showing signs of droopage, perhaps it is old and tired.
NotTony 04/26/2024 (Fri) 00:29:26 No. 1977 Reply
70.73 KB, 460x645
This website is fake and gay
24.07 KB, 400x359
100.61 KB, 264x322
Yet, you posted here. Does that make you fake and gay aswell?
123.84 KB, 382x397
Jānis 04/22/2024 (Mon) 12:59:21 No. 1939 Reply
1.24 MB, 817x1200
suisex on the front page
1 post omitted.
>>1946 wtf the sage is broken too
793.56 KB, 877x822
Nice, but I like suipiss better
>>1959 I wish I was that based
anime is dead and we killed it andrejs bērziņš 07/26/2022 (Tue) 04:32:09 No. 804 Reply
1005.23 KB, 616x360
send anime that you think is the worst because im bored
7 posts and 9 images omitted.
Real IP
21.36 MB, 1280x720
I'm watching Maria✝holic right now and it's pretty terrible - just a compilation of lesbian boners. Of course, the art and animation are amazing as usual from SHAFT, OP is bangin' and ED is fun to listen, too, but the content itself is boring, desu.
Real IP
>>812 so, average moe?
166.07 KB, 263x355
>>813 To answer, more than a year later, I think it was worse than average moe (unless, I misunderstand what's an [i] average [/i] moe). I've recently watched k-on, for the first time, and liked it many times better than maria holic, mainly because I felt it had atleast some substance. Idk, maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, as all of this seems to be very subjective.
Jānis 04/20/2024 (Sat) 17:21:53 No. 140 Reply
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1.60 MB, 1080x1063
Daudz laimes Hitlers :D > ka divi skinhedu subkultūras pārstāvji nodarīja miesas bojājumus vīrietim, kā arī pielietojot vardarbību lika vīrietim publiski slavināt nacistiskās Vācijas īstenotā genocīda diktatoru Ādolfu Hitleru, un lika vīrietim publiski veikt nacistu sveicienu, proti, pacelt roku 45 grādu leņķī ar iztaisnotu plaukstu un teikt: "Lai slava Ādolfam Hitleram!" Minētās darbības tika nofilmētas ar mobilo telefonu, pēc kā ievietotas interneta vidē. https://www.delfi.lv/161/criminal/120015809/foto-aiztur-skinhedus-par-nacistiskas-vacijas-genocida-un-kara-noziegumu-slavinasanu
Jānis 04/14/2024 (Sun) 18:20:56 No. 1908 Reply
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5.75 MB, 640x360
Halfchan has fallen Unironically demands EMAIL VERIFICATION now, starting with /biz/ feels good to watch it get even worse somehow https://sys.4chan.org/signin https://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/58388587/email-verification-required
Not related in the slightest, but this reminds of that one imgboard that had you to register an account for, much like a traditional forum. From what I remember it was a pretty nice board.
>>1909 which board was that
eating chips right now Jānis 04/16/2024 (Tue) 19:09:37 No. 1917 Reply
128.28 KB, 168x494
I'm eating chips right now i got long chips down my throat ya feel me im eating dill flavored chips rn i bought them at rimi i'm hungry as fuck man
Technology Jānis 12/10/2023 (Sun) 16:41:01 No. 1629 Reply
this is a thread about technology what is your favorite piece of tech? any good books you've read? pic related, it's technology
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Real IP
12.63 KB, 468x100
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579.30 KB, 450x604
>>1649 have some more anon all sourced from my physical collection except the barebones here: https://werbach.com/barebones/ i dont have alot i find better learning resources online usually, good references and projects are a much better way to learn :^) why don't you contribute some books anon?
>>1649 Try reading the last good documentation for Qt: https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.7/index.html Building apps along the tutorials is helpful too.
I have recently picked up a book called “RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0” by Bill Burke, published in 2013 (ISBN: 978-1-449-36134-1). The book starts out with an introduction to REST. The author claims to have a CORBA background. Throughout the book, he uses this to clarify how object-oriented concepts map to REST concepts if at all. I believe that this is valuable for Java programmers even to this day. Unfortunately, the introduction to REST seems to be struggling to address its target audience. It spends time re-explaining parts of HTTP. But not enough of it is explained that it would be truly useful to someone who comes from a background of not understanding HTTP. Admittedly, such types are vanishingly rare these days, but it still feels rushed. Due to historical developments in the Jakarta EE (then Java EE) ecosystem, a significant amount of time is spent explaining SOAP in terms of XML instead of JSON. This makes sense when migrating from SOAP to REST. It does seem, however, to be a questionable assumption whether JSON is truly so foreign that significant portions. I'm not sure if it's likely that someone will want to migrate an existing XML/SOAP solution to an XML/REST solution with a JAX-RS book. That kind of churn should be avoided in the enterprise world wherever possible. I mentioned before that the book seems rushed. The impression of being rushed continues in every part of the book. It is definitely more of an introduction than a reference, despite weighing in at over 350 pages. A significant part of that are code dumps. This seems, but when reading K&R, I never felt like the code interrupted the flow of the text as it does here. Perhaps that is more of a testament to how talented Brian Kernighan is as a writer, but I digress. 5/10, you can read it, but it's a bad book about a dead technology.
Russian Bots 無名 04/13/2024 (Sat) 11:05:04 No. 78 Reply
  [, |,,★,,]    ( ´∀`) '`,、'`,、'`,、'`,、'`,、 _(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_    \/    /   [, |,,★,,]    ( ´∀`) '`,、'`,、'`,、'`,、'`,、 _(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_    \/    /   [, |,,★,,]    ( ´∀`) '`,、'`,、'`,、'`,、'`,、 _(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_    \/    /   [, |,,★,,] 
Why is it called "Behavioural sink" instead of something akin to "Uzvedības izlietne"?
>>1890 can't be that bad without being western :)
Jānis 04/01/2024 (Mon) 10:02:48 No. 1866 Reply
776.78 KB, 1080x1590
latvians are retarded
456.51 KB, 200x200
Wait, are you telling me latyšski root for 'euro-' is 'eIro-'?? That's fucked up. I mean it's not the worst, it does make some sense. Personally I am a fan of 'evro-'. >They explained that the use of euro <...> is ill-suited to the language because an eu diphthong does not exist in Latvian. I guess it does make some sense, since the word eiropa is older than any connection to it besides just being in it. Yet, nonetheless, adding exceptional diphtongs for a small number of foreign, international words is common practice...
>>1867 Euro sounds dumb, Eiro just fits anywhere
Jānis 04/02/2024 (Tue) 08:26:34 No. 1869 Reply
hey is admin, im too ill change april fopols later for now pretend is yesterday thanks
done :)
Jānis Board owner 03/27/2024 (Wed) 04:53:34 No. 161 Reply
Sorry for the outage. Ran out of storage. I cleared some wasted space and caches and now we'll be good again a while. If I can't migrate to better hardware with more storage in time for it running out again I will just nuked an dense thread, so back up your webms or wtv it probably is. If you wanted to know, you can go to https://9chan.lv/df.txt for a semi-regularly updated information about storage usage. Sorry about the timezone, all the buyvm vps's use it and i didn't want to bother changing it.
2.31 KB, 411x75
1.58 KB, 345x34
motherfucker wheres the files lets hope it works now
drenb 03/17/2024 (Sun) 05:44:33 No. 1777 Reply
lithuanian lithuanian CUNNY Rlithuanian MAIJA SENT ME HERE
82.52 KB, 759x720
hi pernois
you should kill yourselves while your mothers watch
New Psyop Dropped Jānis 03/22/2024 (Fri) 21:11:56 No. 135 Reply
1 post and 1 image omitted.
>>136 >he bought the psyop
>>138 No way he's born in 1998, dude looks atleast forty.
Jānis 03/12/2024 (Tue) 23:30:00 No. 1772 Reply
245.04 KB, 893x641
340.12 KB, 879x621
Gamergate 2.0, Sweet baby Inc.what do you think?
39.90 KB, 716x204
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10.69 MB, 1280x720
Kotaku's parent company switches them away from politics, to game guides https://aftermath.site/kotaku-eic-resigns-over-new-editorial-edict
Jānis Board owner 03/04/2024 (Mon) 05:51:08 No. 150 sticky Reply
256.84 KB, 500x495
1.20 KB, 108x231
32.42 KB, 711x659
Alright this site is dying even moreso. How to and where to get users? I'm not sure the best approach here, as generally a more active base is needed first, a chicken and the egg situation. This is a shill recruitment post btw :) Perhaps some kind of adjacent activities or such like other boards do could help? Let's get more users whatever way we can.
8 posts and 2 images omitted.
1.84 MB, 952x1332
>>159 klpchan is a vichan fork i get the features :) once i stop being lazy and migrate
Anon.cafe shutdown Jānis 03/13/2024 (Wed) 20:16:33 No. 1773 Reply
3.61 KB, 230x210
44.93 KB, 1128x291
One of the best altchans is shutting down around now. Endchan and the other webring boards are the obvious other places for boards to migrate but a successor https://anon.garden/ aswell