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/b/ - Baltic/Random

Baltic Anime Website

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Jānis 04/28/2024 (Sun) 19:52:08 No. 1999
280.84 KB, 435x253
Sometimes I look at some pictures, and I think about the contexts, the details around them. What kinds of things do you think go down here? Are we fishing for loli? Or does the loli fish for fish? Does it remain? A lot to think about.
The context of the said image is that it's a cropped version of an ancient (closing in on two decades by now) edit of a picture of a sign leading up to the Kishū binchōtan (a type of charcoal) museum, which had a section for Binchō-tan, a character from an iyashikei series of the same name, which later became an official mascot character for the nearby forestry society. Here's a streetview link from a few years ago when it was still up: https://www.google.com/maps/@33.8504167,135.3941002,3a,53.2y,65.68h,77.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfD-QfXTxiLFKFXYlfsZpbA!2e0!5s20180701T000000!7i13312!8i6656