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Baltic Anime Website

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Austrumi Linukss Jānis 01/09/2023 (Mon) 13:14:51 No. 827
Real IP
Do you use your countries OS or are you a filthy traitor? Since the website hasn'ț been updated since 2011, here's the docs from the system https://files.catbox.moe/fepc2a.zip http://austrumi.ru.lv/
Real IP
it has a lot of themes
Real IP
Real IP
587.51 KB, 1280x768
turns out the themes work by having a lot of fvwm configs in /usr/share/fvwm, and .fvwm/config is a symbolic link to one of them, that gets updated and fvwm -r is ran
Real IP
Tiling in fvwm