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Due to technical issues this site will shut down when the VPS runs out of space (soon)

/sj/ - Shift JIS

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無名 Board owner 05/07/2022 (Sat) 07:46:06 No. 15 locked sticky
Real IP
Thanks to some CSS I stole off of 4-ch.net, you can now see this site just fine without a Shift-JIS compatible font installed on your system. It will still look better of course with Mona, but web browsers reject it if you try to include it in CSS: http://monafont.sourceforge.net/index-e.html You will still need to use the code tag to keep leading whitespace and ignore markup.                   |                   | You guys are also retarded[...]                   | [...]it's better than this place.       ,.- 、     ,.- 、   | [...]the administrators are retarded sometimes       / /ヽゝ―-'、/ !|   \       レ'´        ` 、   |/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄       /  / // , !l|l ! ! i  ヽ     , 〃,' /リ`メリノlノリ| i  ゙      i   イ,ィi"|`  flヽイ i リ      ll i   ゝ !ヒ1   ,lj,. Kリ'      |l l  ヽ."´  ~ .イトl.         /L二     ノリ从トヽ,.r1  r、´ノリ.         //      ' `/ Lヽ. !〉ト. ´         //         !'⌒ヾiヽY !lヘ、      //     ,         ヽ.   >-‐ァァ -、、、__   〈/     i          〉ヽ.___j_!,.へ)》ィ、ヾゝ  ̄ ̄ ̄!           /    !二二二i二二二二. r‐┘