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A song a day Jānis 05/10/2022 (Tue) 06:15:09 No. 958 [AUTOSÄGE]
Real IP
688.04 KB, 600x600
Each day you check this, post a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYD_LSOIfaQ
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Jauge - Gather.webm
4.37 MB, 640x360
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4.95 MB, 600x598
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>>1121 that first song is so good
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132.14 KB, 500x500
Real IP
>>1145 man, i normally wouldn't give the time of day for this type of muzique, but that yuru yuri AMV has gotten it's claws in my brain, can't stop boppin' :D Lengvas popsiukas :Š)
Real IP
>>1146 >>/b/13 :D Always good to have variety
Real IP
>>1149 TIL, thanks anon!
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>>1154 As it pertains, it's one of life's greatest mysteries, an énigme known only to our heavenly father.
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>>1155 And futhermore, we all under his care, know why such an énigme would produce herself here.
Real IP
>>1156 oh... Such fresh cognizance of the actuality of the matter, the ubiquity of the exemplar šaytan, educes the classical conundrum of whether it is superior to be ware of things unbeknown, yet be ladened with the devoir to be heedful of them, or to simply be detached from the unknown to fare by more comfortably. Periodically we are emancipated from sombre verities, that are only detriments to us, by the lossy 96kbps quality of the stream of consciousness that is language and furthermore - text, yet all the same it also interferes us being privy to the incomprehensibly ésotérique wisdom of the mind of common man...
Real IP
>>1157 My english isn't that good I'm happy about that or sorry.
Real IP
>>1158 Essentially: tfu blet, 3d pig disgusting )))