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A song a day Jānis 05/10/2022 (Tue) 06:15:09 No. 958 [AUTOSÄGE]
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688.04 KB, 600x600
Each day you check this, post a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYD_LSOIfaQ
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Reposting because I had a horrible low res version of the video. I'm not very big kpop fan but I love the dance.
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Nanoray - NEKOMATA'97.webm
4.72 MB, 1200x1200
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Rhenium - Icicles.webm
4.76 MB, 360x360
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Ningyo Hime RUS.webm
15.64 MB, 786x558
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Should add a "transcode to MP3@320K" hotkey by this point.
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Hard 'N Phirm - Pi.webm
6.02 MB, 360x360
>>974 Would be neat
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>>975 Would be pretty easy in MPV, but atleast for me its easier to just do in spacefm: ffmpeg -i %f -b:a 320k ~/%n.mp3 And set to only audio/ mimetypes. What genre would you classify that as by the way?
Real IP
>>976 That inspired me to set up a custom converter in foobar2000 to output stuff as webm with ffmpeg [code]ヽ(´ー`)ノ[/code] Hopefully this rendered out nicely, I had some weird issues before when I was converting with ffmpeg in cmd As for the genre, idk lol
Real IP
>>977 I really don't like the poor range of the opus/vorbis, the way the compression effect sounds, but it appears a weird issue is here, some MP3 I generate have a mimetype of application/octet-stream, generic data. I believe this is because of the metadata but it's annoying as hell and I'm not sure the right way to help it. Perhaps I need to add ID3 file signatures to the database?
Real IP
>>980 > ID3v2 data usually appears at the beginning of the file. It is possible, and common, for a file to have both ID3v1 and ID3v2 metadata. I don't have the time right now to figure out but some muxer option: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#mp3
Real IP
>>981 So you can fix this with ffmpeg, but only by removing all the metadata: ffmpeg -i inputsong -b:a 320k -write_xing 0 -id3v2_version 0 -map 0:a -map_metadata -1 outputsong.mp3 I suppose you should probably shift the metadata block with a third party tool, but I'm not aware of any that support it, and I'd rather not enable generic streams, if anything to prevent hidden embedded content.
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182.25 KB, 1199x1200
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Nørus - Make A Move.webm
8.85 MB, 256x144
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Skee-Lo - I Wish.mp4
4.31 MB, 800x800
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Connected For Life.webm
9.13 MB, 480x477
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mai waifu
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>>1007 this waifu you can get irl
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>>1021 absolutely based. Loved that album even before I watched the animu.
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JID - Off Da Zoinkys.webm
8.43 MB, 800x800
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3.71 MB,
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It is saturday, my dudes
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>>1057 I enjoy the weekend and hate my job!
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Ren - Money Game part 2
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3.66 MB, 360x360
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12.11 MB, 474x480
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Twisted Love.webm
5.60 MB, 360x360
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Jauge - Gather.webm
4.37 MB, 640x360
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3.92 MB, 480x480
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6.36 MB, 1080x1080
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> 🦁 I was in the van on the way to the airport to go attend schedules. The air pollution was really bad, so I was like 'ah.. Grey Christmas' Grey! https://nitter.net/lunaestreIIad0s/status/1604826309250945025
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>>1089 checked and good song
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АДЛИН - Одна.webm
4.13 MB, 1080x1080
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Reps par pederastiju
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Jauge - Gather.webm
4.37 MB, 640x360
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4.95 MB, 600x598
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>>1121 that first song is so good
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132.14 KB, 500x500
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>>1145 man, i normally wouldn't give the time of day for this type of muzique, but that yuru yuri AMV has gotten it's claws in my brain, can't stop boppin' :D Lengvas popsiukas :Š)
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>>1146 >>/b/13 :D Always good to have variety
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>>1149 TIL, thanks anon!
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>>1154 As it pertains, it's one of life's greatest mysteries, an énigme known only to our heavenly father.
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>>1155 And futhermore, we all under his care, know why such an énigme would produce herself here.
Real IP
>>1156 oh... Such fresh cognizance of the actuality of the matter, the ubiquity of the exemplar šaytan, educes the classical conundrum of whether it is superior to be ware of things unbeknown, yet be ladened with the devoir to be heedful of them, or to simply be detached from the unknown to fare by more comfortably. Periodically we are emancipated from sombre verities, that are only detriments to us, by the lossy 96kbps quality of the stream of consciousness that is language and furthermore - text, yet all the same it also interferes us being privy to the incomprehensibly ésotérique wisdom of the mind of common man...
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>>1157 My english isn't that good I'm happy about that or sorry.
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>>1158 Essentially: tfu blet, 3d pig disgusting )))