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Toco the human dog Jānis 07/29/2023 (Sat) 14:23:59 No. 1338
Real IP
288.55 KB, 1280x720
Real IP
>>1338 Oh god, how do I unsee this?
Real IP
465.50 KB, 1440x1440
>>1339 Interesting take. Elaborate.
Real IP
>>1340 That animal looks like some sort of genetically modified mutant, created by Fukushima accident. It looks creepy and should be euthanized, before it turned into a Godzilla.
Real IP
1.42 MB, 1920x1080
>>1341 It's not an animal it's a man.
Real IP
>>1343 At this point, is it really? It doesn't look like a dog, nor like a man... It looks like a monster.
Real IP
>>1346 luckily its just a suit he can take off!
Real IP
>>1350 Can't speak for he himself though, wanting this sort of thing he could very well be a monster
Real IP
>>1350 There is no proof, I'm sure it is just a monster.