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Baltic Anime Website

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Jānis 11/28/2023 (Tue) 18:32:42 No. 1576
Real IP
14.76 KB, 800x550
A cool place for otaku to relax and hang out! https://gyate.net/imageboard Touhou porn must be spoilered.
Real IP
looks unappealing idi nakui
Real IP
7.82 KB, 300x300
>redirect to /bant/ why did they leave 4chan?
Real IP
Tfw there's no european 'topia... It's over
Real IP
>>1581 Do you mean dystopia or utopia? There's also that postmodern term with just the word topia, but in that case it would be just europe.
Real IP
>>1582 No, I was talking about the tf2 server kogasatopia, which is shortened to 'topia. It's made by the same people that run the gyate board afaik
Real IP
>>1583 What a strange contraction; wouldn't it make sense to shorten to kogasa or something, rather than the generic suffix?
Real IP
>>1584 i mean people call this website 'chan so it tracks i suppose
Thank you spic