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Anon 08/21/2024 (Wed) 16:48:00 No. 2267
87.35 KB, 768x1024
>Dont't post anything illegal in Latvia >That means no illegal CP or zoo So can I post legal CP and zoo?
33.05 KB, 181x222
Well, I presume legal CP would be loli pron, because its porn with fake children (therefore legal) and legal zoo would be furry pron (which is also legal), so I guess that's a yes?
420.16 KB, 850x514
>>2267 >>2268 From my understanding yeah loli and feral respectively would apply. As I'm not shitfaced I might rewrite the rules to just be closer to legalese I.E. put in the official english translations of respective laws where available.
44.62 KB, 725x292
>>2267 >>2268 >>2269 Alright problem solved shitlords
What the fuck is wrong with latviešu valoda? Merķeļa reads with soft k, but puķe reads with soft t. You must be thinking it's a lot of fun to fuck up your alphabet like that but it's even worse than English so far.
>even worse than English skill issue
>>2275 Care to explain, then? With English tons of info is available, with Latvian not quite as much.
>>2276 The only real distinction is on e and o haveing a couple pronunciation, everything else is picked up just as a matter of things naturally changing like in any other language. Based on the phonemes around it. And this also changes with dialect and region and everything, but if you didn't know any of that, and you just guessed, you'd still be understandable you'd just sound like a foreigner. There's no actual change in meaning. But in english while there's a lot of info every single rule of thumb is routinely broken and these drastic changes in pronunciation completely destroy meaning in most cases. If somebody just didn't know how to pronunce one of the many words breakings the rules they'd make zero sense. In that way it's closer to a memorization game like in something like Chinese just to be understandable. Whereas again in Latvian it's just like, dialect, native speech patterns, and whatever. Of course exceptions exist but they're far far rarer than in English.
>>2277 :'( any suggestions for a dictionary? I mean one that explains pronunciation. Beberbeķi – soft k, Berģi – soft g. But I read that they should be t and d. But these are names of districts. I don't care if this boils down to memorizing, I just hate to get it wrong. inb4 you're too lazy :D
>>2278 Shouldn't most dictionaries have pronunciations? The only ones I know online for Latvian are tezaurs.lv and wiktionary, but both seem to not include it too often. Maybe you can find a physical one with pronunciations? Or just audio examples somewhere? Also I could be wrong but I think rule of thumb the small detail might depend on whether or not there's a consonant before or after it. But I could be wrong, I don't really pick up on it they come more or less naturally to me, and its about the same pronunciation.