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BJD Anon 09/28/2024 (Sat) 14:24:09 No. 2377
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How do I make her my wife?
>>2377 She is not real
>>2382 How do I make her real?
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>>2384 You are better off finding already real girl, than turning anime girl into a real one.
>>2386 I don't like real girls and real girls don't like me. I like autistic shut-ins but I can't meet them because they are shut-ins. Autistic shut-ins are kind of like a knock-off version of anime girls because I can understand them and their emotions, expressions, mindset, etc. Real girls hide everything and lie and hurt you and they're not pretty or interesting like anime girls are. I think I am autist sexual, it's just that anime girls are autistic.
>>2388 Why do I creep you out? Liking anime girls is perfectly natural.
>>2389 the (((divine))) waters of endless energy is perfectly natural
>>2390 Yeah that too but I'd rather have an autistic anime girl wife than endless energy. Sounds exhausting.
>>2391 you dont get to tear out certain parts or you get this material bullshit making you wish for a lackluster autistic shutin that likely wants to be an underage anime girl
>>2392 Yes every 3DPD I've been most attracted to was an autistic shutin who wants to be an underage anime girl. You wouldn't feel the same around them?
>>2393 uuuuuuu yucki chaber aa you could say im a bit homogeneus and need more than a 1step autist that wants to be a loli and my lazy idiot only got me off an inhuman miracle
you know what you put in enough samefagging effort for this direct confession >You wouldn't feel the same around them? so long as they dont believe in society enough to fall into troonery worst start mauling themselves i like them at minimum you can extend this so much to consider not falling for the romantic rosey lens of society enforced marriage and not deciding randomly one day they want it for an ego boost tariff reasons be different but the foundational reasoning is similar here
>>2396 I don't mind a cute trap as long as they don't look ugly like the gamestop tranny or something. Autism is associated with androgyny anyways.
>>2397 which is not what troonery is theres a strict definition of transitioning with troonery being androgynous is different the term trap is too vague and if you were talking to someone not in the know they consider traps crossdressers not troons or androgynous
>>2398 Troons are just Futas. I don't really mind if they don't look good as long as they try. I'm caring for their anime girl autism, not whether they are a Futa or not. All 3DPD is disgusting on the outside anyways. However I digress, how do I make original post BJD my wife?
>>2399 >Troons are just Futas damn youve done a wonderful job at making almost any troon hate you majority of them have this neurosis where if you deny their struggle story of transitioning they cant take it heres an example of what i mean https://anidb.net/character/123524 notice how theres only tags like bisexual and homosexual on this extremely popular and controversial character that just took magic science juice to go "tsf" now consider this one https://anidb.net/character/65555 due to low notoriety they can consider this thing trans with the safe tranny tag they have >Being transgender is independent of sexual orientation and it is different from being intersex, a term that refers to people born with physical sex characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies. lol of course this one was born into a new biology what does that make it without being lazy here i wonder does everyone who remembers "past lifes" automatically become a tranny and then considering the other one everyone who takes magic tsf science juice isnt a tranny and has 0 gender dysphoria even if they pee themselves nonstop from not being able to handle a successful quick transition and again a futa is androgynous likely edging on the feminine side not something transitioning its up for question if futa is the same as intersex ive never heard any discussion about that i believe you are just acting willfully ignorant for ignoring what this means >>2390 over and over again both a "eunuch" and intersex are yet something that is not a mockery like male and female and especially "transitioning" >All 3DPD is disgusting on the outside anyways. this is irrelevant to the issues of troonery im talking about its just a convenient sideeffect that is inherited from other issues yet you can say its more likely for a sane "troon" to legitimately try to be cute for you their lover than one sucking up to society unconsciously even one that wishes to game society is still likely to be cuter than one doing it unconsciously its also tells you whos going stay preop and who will go postop but of course none of this is absolute you can deal with crazy by dicking enough crazy to cancell out the crazies that is my lesson if you must be that dumb >However I digress, how do I make original post BJD my wife? you are giving one solution with the meme image you just made mr willful ignorance anyway another few options are self enforced psychosis which you seem to be good at but until you have extreme delusions or it wont work coping and working on technology with all the other catgirl fetishist techbros until something of value is made lmao "aliens" think those 3 are pretty generic
>>2400 You seem butthurt. As per the options I'm content with any of them. >until you have extreme delusions or it wont work I have diagnosed schizophrenia will that work? I also used to have a tulpa but they turned on me.
>>2401 will you rub my hurt buttie too soothe it then desu >I have diagnosed schizophrenia will that work? I also used to have a tulpa but they turned on me. you just answered your question on how schizophrenia doesnt work it can but its not likely slight impurities in your nous and schizophrenia turns wayward if you read what i typed as butthurt instead of trying to get me to react you are never going make it with schizophrenia
>>2403 im laughing and digusted at the absurdity also wanted the share that thing i found out recently to be frank even if you viewed it as that you still wouldnt make it start viewing everything as cute and everyone as in a constant state of euphoria until its all you can think about whenever someone is obviously mad or malicious view them as silly animals that are making a mess for fun deny pain or anything of a negative affinity that doesnt exist even if you are being held at gunpoint otherwise you cant make it work most documented schizophrenics with nice and caring voices existed in a closed off communitiy where caring for one and another was paramount even if it was fake
forgot a few more things fighting the unconscious into submission and still building up things which you didnt get from you psychosis those things probably being this which i also mean by extreme delusions where you need to also not only see and hear things but smell taste and feel them too it is possible but you dont have any benefit from psychosis if thats not already happening tuplas turning on normallithuanians is usually due to "weird things that got registered into their unconscious" id guess for someone whos schizophrenic and programmed into not being pure like those with sweet voices it goes from tuplas maybe trying to eat your soul but can be reasoned with and temporally cured maybe to tuplas will eat your soul when corrupt i cant give u or others anymore advice without leaking doodoos
I have no idea what you 2 are talking about
>>2407 hello yes where is the serious discussion
>>2407 Ball Jointed Dolls
dont bring that up itsmaking me horny
>>2412 Why can you upload images but not me? >>2406
Nevermind apparently.
>>2413 galactic slappy tbg
>>2416 it's galaxy not galactic
>>2417 galactic sounded better to my esl doofus
>>2418 my esl is cooler than your esl
>>2419 i wish to be cuter not cooler eggy dumby
>>2420 my esl is cuter than your esl desu ne~
>>2421 nano lyne nanodesu nii
>>2423 place russiasu nanonano
nanodesu un hakasedesu.mp4
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Am I nanoposting right? ( ´ ω ` )
>>2425 dont know i lost my urge again y=ー( ゚д゚)・∵.
Trappy-chan is really autistic that's probably why they are so hot and popular.
is trappychan only autistic doedoe
What else would they be? Whatever it is, it's cute!
i dont know i need answers tbfh
What do you theorize?
extroverted autists like trappychan are rare especially ones that are truly extroverted not just nulled socially so they appear extroverted i have no idea how they act in real life so i might be wrong here you can think of many different mood and personality disorders that would push an autist into true extrovertism might be wrong but i think you arent looking for a 1step autist either btw whats trappychans thoughts on miku brazil 18 :^)
I think they are extroverted because they are hot, so they only get the positives of it. But I wouldn't know if they are.
>because they are hot from my understanding thats not being extroverted but instead bold and confident different trait of trappychan lol
Isn't that the same thing?
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>>2420 consider the following.
>>2435 they arent defining traits of extraversion but what extraversion can look like an introvert can be bold and confident too even socially yet theres a huge difference of how the foundations define being bold and confident trappychans bold and confidence could be signs of extraversion or could be something else about trappychan its possible for an extrovert to not be bold and confident even socially yet still love being the centre of attention and have a huge social network >>2437 i already do this,,ba,a, except the sissy hippo and job i have cute hobbies instead and not the same name everywhere too lazy big idoit
>>2438 I think you are lying.
>>2439 well go research it yourself lazy bum <from my understanding
How do I build that confidence so that I can charm up an real life anime woman as an introvert then?
aaaa ahahaa i think you need to ask urself if that anime gorl is really into introverts first then take the traits you have thats shes also into into your heart and maximize them naturally
So what you're saying is I can't get an anime woman then?
you can just please dont go for "idol"s you know nothing about the real them if you are asking these questions "idol"s that are the same at base level are 1 in a trillion idk maybe you are just asking me how to get to the point of making love to them not get them as actual romantic partners
Isn't that harder than being romantic? I accept that my idol worship is one directional.
fake romance is easier but it will hurt severely idolcel troonautisti chaser teheehe with this garbage reality i wont sprout fake epithets like true love but wtf are you doing
Meanie don't laugh at me! >:( I had a "situationship" once I'm not totally hopeless. Not sure what you mean by "wtf are you doing" THOUGH.
>>2451 lool okkkie swrrie im basically saying its true completely falling into apathy is the wrong choice with you you are willing to try and have the desire but please be aware of the inaneity here think you should go for the "aliens" option but i dont know much about that one
>>2452 I don't know any aliens. There's demons in my house that's kind of close but they are very scary and mostly rottweilers (not attractive). That's a very cute image you posted though, is that you? ;)
you should use the "situationship"s you get into to actively probe without coming off as a chaser or creep thats if you must really go for "idol"s saying you are both autistic i think you might have the upper hand with the knowledge alone otherwise you are likely to come off as a chaser or creep without further training and knowledge
>>2453 no thats the idea me and "god" thought of who you posted as an anime cat gorl see "god" is vary funny and bitch too that hit my favorite tree that wasnt anywhere close to lightning with a bolt and now its dead and gone hmpf >but they are very scary and mostly rottweilers (not attractive) possibly if you give them a chance and keep pushing they can form into anime girls but i dont know how well that will work for a schizo
ive never heard of a schizo that has developed into schizoshittyness going to schizoniceness is that even possible i dont have a single idea
My tulpa went very successful until it turned on me, and more recently I was visited by Misaki-chan N.H.K. and she agreed to be my girlfriend but then I stopped drinking and she gradually stopped appearing to me. :( I really miss when she would cuddle me to sleep protecting me from the scary beings when I was going to bed. She tried to save me from my hikikomori disease but as I still couldn't go anywhere even trying for her she eventually got disappointed in me, this was around the time she stopped showing up in my life. But she never hurt me, she was anything but harmful to me, only very very nice, like how I wish real people could be like to me.
>and she agreed to be my girlfriend but then I stopped drinking and she gradually stopped appearing to me. :( i dont like saying this but you need to stop using your schizo as a crutch for tulpas by "aliens" i mean things that are external enough your schizophrenia wouldnt override them or you doing something like no longer drinking i think you can differ enough now keep grabbing on nothing and you will likely get an "alien" attached to you just dont get a "negative" one idgi tbh >like how I wish real people could be like to me. only your perception matters until you get what that means you cant make yourself delusional enough other perceptions can be used as a tool and theres a mutual agreement for sharing other perceptions delusions that normallithuanians forget and get into a neurosis about that makes them hostile by default
That's true about the perceptions but it's easier said than done to take the charge on these things. Also Misaki-chan was not a tulpa she just showed up one day. By that definition of alien I could do that I suppose, but I really don't have as much control over my mind as I used to. u_u
>but it's easier said than done i never said this was easy and recommenced against it for you >but I really don't have as much control over my mind as I used to. u_u what is the mind well anyway if you go "external" enough it should be good idk tbh dont have clue how this works just that it somehow works for me have to wonder what your misaki-chan really was before your "mind" malformed it
I think she was just the normal empty void. Each week for about 4 or 5 months now my brain has been coming up with a new way to try and force me into getting my life together, but with little success. After Misaki disappeared she was followed by a week of intense nightmares showing how my near future is going to end up if I keep going down this path I'm in (prison and other filth essentially). I think Misaki was probably the most successful one though because I made promises to her and atleast tried.
Initially when I was having alcohol withdrawls the little discolorations I'd see in my vision in blank space would turn into images of her and I think my mind started to fill in the rest from there even after withdrawls.
>>2463 >I think she was just the normal empty void then she didnt just appear and you just formed a void as you are now saying in this post >Each week for about 4 or 5 months now my brain has been coming up with a new way to try and force me into getting my life together yes torturing yourself works im not being edgy here it does not easy to pull off either do i recommend it idk can you break something thats already broken >>2464 thats one way to go about it but not a good idea drugs as a crutch means eventual tolerance or death
>>2465 I have a long term drug addiction so it wouldn't be anything new.
>>2468 that just makes it worst hope youre prepared for death and dont spiral into a bad trip while dying
>>2469 <but im not taking hallucigenics what bad trip you see thats the thing while you die your mind is taking tons of hallucigenics it made itself its thought that whatever it causes your delusional "mind" to get is where you will spiral to into the "afterlife" and i doubt you can gain tolerance of that garbage either youd take enough to die before gaining enough tolerance from the flood which your mind does
>>2469 I'm prepared for death, but none of my overdoses ever killed me. Hospitalized? Yes. Paralyzed? Yes. Ill? Yes. Coughing up blood? Yes. But killed? No.
they say good things take effort well if you really want to go the drugz route that means holding off so you dont build tolerance thinking something like about a week of misaki-chan and a month without whatever drugs are best for little to no tolerance building and minimize the amount of time it takes to lose that tolerance are the best option for you there
>>2471 I can't die I've been cursed to walk the mortal realm for generations upon generations, suffering but not dying. I have had some continued relations with the spiritual realm since this punishment but it only made it clearer, I don't see a way out. I'm in a form of "hell" spiritually and physically but I'm mapped physically onto the typical mortal plane here, somewhat like the planets in Dante's Paradiso.
>>2472 tolerance takes time and stupidity honestly i just jumped on that lole >>2473 really dont think its a good option but if ur prepared for death eh why not seems easier than most options
>>2474 go for spite and make yourself delusional into heaven i suppose
>>2476 I'm trying spite but I can't truly break free of the suffering, that's part of the curse.
>>2477 so long as you believe so you cant make the delusions work you must also maul your prison wardens like the unconscious mind into believing the curse doesnt exist im not saying that as an empty epithet that everyone does but its really how delusions are and if i had to be correct drugs wont save you here and might even make it harder to reach its giving into this reality yet another prison warden for you you are not nearly crazy enough is what im saying infact you shouldnt let into human text or thought constructs like this it should be considered poison
>>2478 This is not delusion this is the actual spiritual limits imposed upon me. The delusions may or may not be a part of it and may help things, but the curse wont allow them to break me free of it.
>>2480 the delusions to fuel the spite against the spiritual limitations bucko >the curse wont allow them to break me free of it. no such thing see delusions
>>2480 >>2481 consider this the next time you have a "spiritual interaction" where you are "forced" to "believe" the curse exists i doubt the "creator" cares there might be some lowercased "god" that cares but a creator thats just human ego im a petri in a dish not good enough lets go again theres a bunch of retarded "aliens" showing me flashly lights again let me turn off my perception and ignore them its completely worthless anyway the concept is easy but pulling it off is hard nigga its just words on a screen dont look at it lol but it looks easy so you look like a clown tbg i just got numbed to that the alternatives dont lead anywhere so its pointless to not be numb can you interact and truly connect with a rock
>>2482 There is no creator figure, you clearly don't understand the spiritual realm. I'm also not forced to believe such a thing exists, I just discovered it, and spiritual interactions helped me piece together more details. >can you interact and truly connect with a rock Yes.
>>2483 i dont know any spiritual realm or physical realm >Yes. you clearly cant if you believe in human thoughtform constructions like this
>>2484 The spiritual realm is not a human thoughtform, the logical human mind is what acts against the concept. Man used to be in tune with his spiritual side, but the oversocialization and disconnect from nature of industrial society ended that. Most people need to re-enlighten themselves again. It takes practice and effort for modern man to switch their mind over to the spiritual as opposed to the "logical" (primate brain).
>>2485 >The spiritual realm is not a human thoughtform idk is to me and my perception and thats all that matters all "spiritual interaction" ive had has only proved its anything but same for a physical realm no im using scare quotes on "creator" for a reason but it was lost on you those "examples" have a purpose but you rather have an ego you certainly dont have lock you into a curse that certainly exists but i dont know you so i cant give you advice you certainly arent the idolcel i was shitposting with earlier and from what i understand they want me to not interact with you to me you cant connect with the logos of a rock let alone understand how that would nullify the concept of curses its not natures rocks you should be connecting with here and rock was a lazy metaphor >Man used to be in tune with his spiritual side man is a delusional concept to me same with a physical and spiritual side >disconnect from nature of industrial society ended that. my nonexistent primate brain delusion says man is nature and thus industrial society is nature is a superset unable to connect with its sets a failure to your uh "natural spiritual brain" >for modern man to switch their mind over to the spiritual as opposed to the "logical" (primate brain). delusions made by "man"s thoughtforms including the need to "switch" or even have a "mind" artificial limits (a curse) made by "believing" in those thoughtforms maybe you really cant do what im saying and therefor i never knew you
You are clear duluded, it's sad.
but of course this isnt about spiritual views its about delusions and you refuse to use delusions so its moot
You're clearly lost.
whats this you >>2481