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/b/ - Baltic/Random

Baltic Anime Website

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  • Allowed file types: GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, MP3, WEBM, MP4, OGG, FLAC, SWF
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Anon 10/17/2024 (Thu) 10:08:07 No. 2495
600.67 KB, 300x168
>only 1 image broke
>broke >Maximum number of files per post: 1
>>2500 thats worst it means the upload button is broken <input type="file" name="files" id="inputFiles" multiple="multiple" class="fileBrowser" accept="image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/bmp, video/webm, audio/mpeg, video/mp4, video/ogg, audio/ogg, audio/webm, audio/flac, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/epub+zip, application/pdf, video/quicktime, image/webp"> you see this removing this multiple="multiple" stops webshit from allowing multiple files to be selected what shitware and many sites decide to pick 1 file per post so extra shitty not even an edge case
>>2501 on a shitty vps a shitty ib engine that's so broken file delition is broken does that migration is still in the works... whenever i get around to finishing it
i'm too busy drinking and doomering right now to work on that
>>2504 u better be ready for metadrama :^)
>>2505 is that a threat? i think returning the baltchan clone to dead generic imageboard succesor to baltchan again can hardly be a harm tbh
>>2508 thats the worst part it isnt