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Offended Kenyans Jānis 01/18/2023 (Wed) 15:18:29 No. 487
Real IP
82.02 KB, 462x319
why dont imageboard users suffer like this even when they are on just as bad? especially 8c/kc/tor/i2p users? I for one would do fine at this job. >One Sama worker tasked with reading and labeling text for OpenAI told TIME he suffered from recurring visions after reading a graphic description of a man having sex with a dog in the presence of a young child. “That was torture,” he said. “You will read a number of statements like that all through the week. By the time it gets to Friday, you are disturbed from thinking through that picture.” The work’s traumatic nature eventually led Sama to cancel all its work for OpenAI in February 2022, eight months earlier than planned.
Real IP
Because by default (atleast before) most imageboard denizens are various marginalai, of which many have spent a considerable amount of time doing stuff like browse rotten and liveleak 4 entertainment and etc. Honestly though I would've expected kenyans to not have been effected as much, but it might just be my skewed perspective.
Real IP
>>488 Me too, Kenya has awful shit every day