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FreeDesktop Hate Thread Jānis 09/13/2022 (Tue) 11:36:58 No. 855
Real IP
12.15 KB, 150x222
>I am troubleshooting the known "Firefox cannot open file dialogs" error, with Firefox printing this message on every attempt: Gtk-WARNING **: 22:45:36.767: Can't open portal file chooser: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser” on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop >The problem was in /usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals/gtk.portal and the fact that the session was using i3wm. Changing UseIn=gnome to UseIn=gnome;i3 in that file resolved the problem. >In general, $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP must be in the UseIn= stanza in the file. In my case it was i3. xdg-desktop-portal-kde krashes, and xdg-desktop-portal-gtk wont load outside a GTK destkop, back to Gentoo for me.
Real IP
>>855 Lol, he uses linux :D Not just linux, but i3 too!
Real IP
>>856 I use Linux Mint and IceWM
Real IP
>>857 At least it is not Arch...
Real IP
13.57 KB, 200x800
>>858 I'm dual booted with Gentoo