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/b/ - Baltic/Random

Baltic Anime Website

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Jānis 07/16/2022 (Sat) 13:43:51 No. 878
Real IP
336.03 KB, 1920x1080
29.88 KB, 1549x227
Vins sanak ka hostoja meguca.org un tas bija diezgan paliels chan.
Real IP
142.77 KB, 1038x372
lol yeah
Real IP
>>878 Yup, meguca was created by a latvian: https://github.com/bakape/shamichan However, after the happening he stopped hosting it. Maybe now he does again, but for a while meguca had changing domain names and owners. t. ex-meguca visitor
Real IP
>>880 happens, those whole edgy chan communities are full of balts. https://globalnews.ca/news/6831754/neo-nazi-commander-13/
Real IP
>>881 Based Estonian fighting for the future of White race.
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>>882 'fighting for the future of the white race' is just a code phrase for after-school club for closeted homosexuals Example: Skydas :^)
Real IP
134.60 KB, 564x523
>>882 >>883 Fighting for the future of the white race is such an absurd concept, just deport muhammed. It's just a side effect of cucked governments that don't care for the people. Shouldn't you be working on the illness not the symptom? Don't let baltic states fall to those ideas and its all good man.