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DOOM II (and I) Jānis 05/16/2022 (Mon) 11:56:01 No. 918
Real IP
175.21 KB, 1365x768
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429.99 KB, 1042x768
Playing Dystopia 3, it's quite good, bit hard but I'm not the best at games anyway. Playing on "Hey, not too rough" for that reason.
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>>918 here's a very bad doom wad I made a while ago. Warning: it's bad and Lithuanian. https://mega.nz/file/Qd0iQSLT#bk1JS19ZPzQ9Wsc0qDvRCQAXYw58y02WU1cZQ52sQaQ
Real IP
>>920 it's for doom I, btw.
Real IP
>>920 >>921 you weren't kidding about it being bad, is that it?
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>>922 Yes, lol. The joke is that the dude is a basketballer who used to beat his wife. It took me an hour to make it, since it was my first project.
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>>923 please don't beat wifes its bad :)
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>>924 I won't, I promise
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>>926 i remember playing moonman doom, surprisingly good for what it is
Real IP
MyHouse.wad creepypasta/horror wad https://www.doomworld.com/vb/thread/134292