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Christmas Season Jānis Board owner 11/29/2022 (Tue) 17:09:54 No. 89 Reply
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Tree 0.JPG
270.95 KB, 1200x800
313.50 KB, 640x480
Jānis Board owner 11/21/2022 (Mon) 01:58:30 No. 84 Reply
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7.26 KB, 772x136
lol, not even the correct slurs!
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105.32 KB, 480x480
Why he's mad? Is he a ruslithuanian?
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>>85 Meant to say rusn*gger, lmao
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>>85 >>86 no clue lol
Jānis 10/09/2022 (Sun) 19:46:28 No. 79 Reply
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1.71 KB, 191x30
fix it
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2.00 MB, 404x640
ok. did that.
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8.07 KB, 400x327
That actually broke completely let me try again
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22.66 KB, 480x640
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>>82 fuck it thats good enough
Site Updates Jānis Board owner 05/11/2022 (Wed) 00:23:44 No. 17 Reply
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117.42 KB, 590x885
Thread for site updates. First, there is now a few users. Welcome, it may be small now but try to post or atleast visit the site every once in a while. Second, latest posts on front-page now seems to be working randomly, not sure why, maybe cache issues stopped it. Latest images is not yet working.
11 posts and 2 images omitted.
Real IP
384.78 KB, 1774x2048
>>68 borrowed some things from https://gitgud.io/kohlchan-dev/kohlnumbra-nginx may be placebo but the thumbnails seem to be staying, aswell as loading faster, so far.
Real IP
>>70 placebo
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160.31 KB, 400x400
NOW the thumbnail bug is fixed finally
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Certbot failed to renew because the shitty fucking script it uses wouldn't restart nginx because a directive was duplicated in a comment (lmao). Instead of fixing that script I removed the comment, it works now.
Real IP
There is now NSFW boards. These will not show in the overboard.
Jānis 06/11/2022 (Sat) 13:20:18 No. 62 Reply
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184.06 KB, 989x376
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This is the better 9chan.
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15.76 KB, 436x195
>>74 History is written by the victors
Jānis 06/15/2022 (Wed) 18:49:38 No. 64 Reply
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19.62 KB, 717x505
Is it only me or do webm thumbnails sometimes, sometimes fail to display?
Real IP
Ctrl+R lol
Jānis 06/09/2022 (Thu) 16:49:26 No. 60 Reply
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3.37 KB, 1902x29
Checked 'fixed navbar' changed navbar colors. can you change it to dark or apply css class so the colors change for navbar when themes are changed?
Real IP
Yes you can! Check out the CSS tab of Settings.
Jānis Board owner 05/05/2022 (Thu) 17:53:30 No. 11 Reply
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16.33 KB, 290x348
Ideas thread. What do I even do with this website so its more than generic baltchan reboot #4? How do we build a community? Etc.
Real IP
>>11 We can't build a community. The community is busy in facebook. Also this site looks like a "hacker". Also captcha? Really? In 2022?
Real IP
>>40 what? Also "looks like a 'hacker'" lmao
Real IP
Why video preview does not work?
Real IP
>>58 It does. Hope this helps.
Jānis 06/05/2022 (Sun) 07:42:33 No. 46 Reply
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5.89 KB, 762x175
no-js block bypass is borked
6 posts and 1 image omitted.
Real IP
>>52 That would be handled by the addons since the frontend in LynxChan is essentially a templating engine you'd need backend addons for that to work (Which get inserted into the frontend templates). The only captcha change is handled through KC-Addon you can find here: https://gitgud.io/kohlchan-dev/lynxchanaddon-kc which is not installed. If it's redirecting to KohlCash it must be hardcoded, because there's no frontend options for it, and the backend has no addons.
Real IP
>>52 >>53 Unless you mean completely disabling the filters that trigger bypass, because no I won't.
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11.59 KB, 591x536
2.41 KB, 304x142
13.33 KB, 971x535
AFAICT there's nothing redirecting to the KohlCash page in the frontend code, it would be going to bypass page then, which is still labeled kohlcash for some reason, but it's not kohlcash its the standard bypass. Any issues there are on Lynxchan's side. I'm looking at the backend code and the template and it just looks like the backend is screwing up and adding that, I haven't a clue as to why. Every single occurence of that string is in src/be/engine/domManipulator/dynamic/misc.js, however the more generic indicatorNotValidated, which is the element id used, is in there and src/be/data/defaultPages.json, and in src/fe/src/njk/pages/bypass.njk as the id. I'm not so great in node nor so involved in this projects structure, so I'm having trouble telling what's causing this.
Real IP
2.68 MB, 798x556
First is trying to post with js disabled, 2nd part is with js enabled.
Real IP
>>56 well I see the answer right here clear as day, clearly you need js enabled