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petition bring kuzzykins back Jānis 08/12/2024 (Mon) 02:52:32 No. 185
192.00 KB, 800x450
Just came to that, thanks Anon
49.13 KB, 500x500
>>185 he never ran this board, it's .lv/baltchan, not .tw, not dev'9ch, not 9c/9channel/девя.ч (kuz's) believe it or not 9 is a common number, kuz never ran this short of the last years april fools >>90
682.96 KB, 400x250
>>188 so wheres the 9ch that treats kuz like a imageboard spamming patchouli instead of doing the lame thing and just hating on him to being lamely apathetic
>>189 the dead one?
1.63 MB, 384x239
>>190 lole i like this site owner he needs to be in my gurocore compilation im just digging graveyards here for a new patch byee
702.91 KB, 960x1280
>>191 okay bye anon