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Toco the human dog Jānis 07/29/2023 (Sat) 14:23:59 No. 1338 Reply
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288.55 KB, 1280x720
5 posts and 2 images omitted.
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>>1346 luckily its just a suit he can take off!
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>>1350 Can't speak for he himself though, wanting this sort of thing he could very well be a monster
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>>1350 There is no proof, I'm sure it is just a monster.
Obscure Vidya Jānis 07/31/2023 (Mon) 06:30:51 No. 1344 Reply
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What are some lesser known games you've enjoyed? I'll start. https://mdsteele.games/azimuth/ It's a Metroidvania in space with asteroids-like controls.
Jānis 07/18/2023 (Tue) 20:27:52 No. 743 Reply
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she wants to have sex with me. you can tell by body language
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2.52 MB, 1653x2816
>>743 Aren't you too old for sex?
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>>744 no i'm regular sex haver with reimu
Thighs Jānis 10/15/2022 (Sat) 09:27:31 No. 1294 Reply
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Well, and also ass.
11 posts and 27 images omitted.
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209.96 KB, 816x612
>>1305 nice thighs and ass thread anon
Jānis 06/14/2023 (Wed) 16:59:52 No. 702 Reply
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It is the only seat. What would you do in this situation?
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I would say "G-Good evening. Can I s-sit here? S-Sorry. ><" and then I would be too shy to talk any more but I know she's going to be into me.
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Stand, not merely because sitting alone is comfier, the fact that she's not sitting at the window seat (and presumably not moving to that seat as she is basically staring) is a pretty clear indication of a claim to that space. Unless it was a marštrukė, in which I case I'd take the seat as it's almost rude not to.
Real IP
Sitting alone is comfier, but is standing? Something to think about.
DOOM II (and I) Jānis 05/16/2022 (Mon) 11:56:01 No. 918 Reply
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175.21 KB, 1365x768
7 posts and 1 image omitted.
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>>926 i remember playing moonman doom, surprisingly good for what it is
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MyHouse.wad creepypasta/horror wad https://www.doomworld.com/vb/thread/134292
Mullvad removing support for port forwarding Jānis 05/30/2023 (Tue) 07:25:55 No. 689 Reply
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What the fuck do I use now? What other providers are as trustworthy and allow port forwarding? https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2023/5/29/removing-the-support-for-forwarded-ports/ >Unfortunately port forwarding also allows avenues for abuse, which in some cases can result in a far worse experience for the majority of our users. Regrettably individuals have frequently used this feature to host undesirable content and malicious services from ports that are forwarded from our VPN servers. This has led to law enforcement contacting us, our IPs getting blacklisted, and hosting providers cancelling us. >The result is that it affects the majority of our users negatively, because they cannot use our service without having services being blocked. >The abuse vector of port forwarding has caught up with us, and today we announce the discontinuation of support for port forwarding. This means that if you are a user of forwarded ports, you will not be able to add or modify the ports you have in use. >As of today we will remove the ability of adding ports to all accounts. 2023-07-01 we will remove all existings ports that are configured. Please update your services accordingly.