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/pol/ - News and Politics

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Aistija Lithowave 08/29/2024 (Thu) 19:35:30 No. 142 Reply
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Lai dzīvo tautu draudziba. Sveiki no Lietuvas.
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Sveiki o/
Jānis 04/20/2024 (Sat) 17:21:53 No. 140 Reply
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Daudz laimes Hitlers :D > ka divi skinhedu subkultūras pārstāvji nodarīja miesas bojājumus vīrietim, kā arī pielietojot vardarbību lika vīrietim publiski slavināt nacistiskās Vācijas īstenotā genocīda diktatoru Ādolfu Hitleru, un lika vīrietim publiski veikt nacistu sveicienu, proti, pacelt roku 45 grādu leņķī ar iztaisnotu plaukstu un teikt: "Lai slava Ādolfam Hitleram!" Minētās darbības tika nofilmētas ar mobilo telefonu, pēc kā ievietotas interneta vidē. https://www.delfi.lv/161/criminal/120015809/foto-aiztur-skinhedus-par-nacistiskas-vacijas-genocida-un-kara-noziegumu-slavinasanu
New Psyop Dropped Jānis 03/22/2024 (Fri) 21:11:56 No. 135 Reply
1 post and 1 image omitted.
>>136 >he bought the psyop
>>138 No way he's born in 1998, dude looks atleast forty.
Bankām būs jāinformē VID par klientu kontos iemaksāto vai izņemto skaidro naudu, izmantojot bankomā Jānis 01/26/2024 (Fri) 10:41:17 No. 133 Reply
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>Bankām būs jāinformē VID par klientu kontos iemaksāto vai izņemto skaidro naudu, izmantojot bankomātus >Turpmāk bankām būs pienākums informēt Valsts ieņēmumu dienestu (VID) par to, cik skaidras naudas klienti ir izņēmuši vai iemaksājuši savos kontos, izmantojot bankomātus. Tāpat plānots samazināt skaidras naudas maksājumus tirdzniecībā, un līdz 2025.gadam valsts vēlas rast konceptuālu risinājumu universālās ienākumu deklarēšanas principa pakāpeniskai ieviešanai. (((Vini))) censas likvidet skaidro naudu and megina pariet uz (((digitalo valutu))) kur (((VID))) un citas iestades vares redzet cik un kur tu tere savu naudu, un lai vieglak var piesieties. Tas pats ari notiek ar eID un elektriskajam masinam, lai varetu cilvekus vieglak kontrolet un izsekot vinu darbibas 24/7. https://jauns.lv/raksts/bizness/592278-bankam-bus-jainforme-vid-par-klientu-kontos-iemaksato-vai-iznemto-skaidro-naudu-izmantojot-bankomatus
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Jānis 12/03/2023 (Sun) 10:02:51 No. 132 Reply
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/pol/bro where did u go i miss u plz come back ;-;
Israel, go! Jānis 10/08/2023 (Sun) 13:51:05 No. 128 Reply
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>Israeli soldiers battled Hamas fighters in the streets of southern Israel on Sunday and launched retaliation strikes that leveled buildings in Gaza, while in northern Israel a brief exchange of strikes with Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group raised fears of a broader conflict. >There was still some fighting underway more than 24 hours after an unprecedented surprise attack from Gaza, in which Hamas militants, backed by a volley of thousands of rockets, broke through Israel's security barrier and rampaged through nearby communities. At least 600 people have reportedly been killed in Israel — a staggering toll on a scale the country has not experienced in decades — and more than 300 have been killed in Gaza. >Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the country was at war and would exact a heavy price from its enemies. His Security Cabinet officially declared the country at war in an announcement on Sunday, saying the decision formally authorizes “the taking of significant military steps," without elaborating. Hamas leaders have said they are prepared for any further escalation. https://web.archive.org/web/20231008134822/https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-rockets-airstrikes-tel-aviv-ca7903976387cfc1e1011ce9ea805a71 >Author is a "Goldberg" lmfao I'm not a fan of Israel, but I hate Palestine and its supporters much more. This might be fun to watch
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it was a long time coming imho, good to palestine fight back :) but we all know who israel really belongs to
Jānis 06/23/2023 (Fri) 21:54:58 No. 124 Reply
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ALLEGED WAGNER INSURRECTION AGAINST RUSSIA >They deceived us despicably and tried to deprive us of the possibility of defending our homes. We were ready to make concessions to the Defense Ministry, to surrender our weapons, and to find a solution about how we’ll continue to defend our country. But that scum wouldn’t calm down. Today, seeing that we aren’t broken, they decided to launch rocket attacks on our rear camps >This creature will be stopped. https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/06/23/prigozhin-russian-defense-ministry-launched-rocket-strikes-on-wagner-group https://meduza.io/en/live/2023/06/23/yevgeny-prigozhin-s-coup
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It seems to be real
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Lithuania will fall in up to a decade Jānis 06/20/2023 (Tue) 22:34:27 No. 122 Reply
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>Lithuania looks set to legalise same-sex civil partnerships next year, but gay marriage could be up to a decade away,
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The Baltics have fallen
Jānis 05/27/2023 (Sat) 00:52:07 No. 110 Reply
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Latvian /pol/ack telegram schizoposter, what are your thoughts on this?
3 posts and 1 image omitted.
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>>113 so close, 30
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>>110 The Great Replacement Kalergi plan
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>(((CBSS))) fuck these kikes