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Jānis 09/14/2022 (Wed) 18:52:48 No. 49 Reply
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Has anyone else noticed mass influx of niggers, mostly indians, in the streets? Was there flight(s) that imported these animals? I've noticed this, this current_year. Who imported them? Is this part of "aid program to house niggers" by being in EU?
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No that's just college visas and tourists you retard, as usual.
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>>50 Some of them come with kids and nigger dads, explain that.
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>>52 tourists. there's probably less than 50 blacks in latvia, i imagine estonia and lithuania are similar (non-lithuanian blacks, obviously)
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>>53 what about chinks? they too infest our white country. seen few of them, but the capital has serious nigger and chink problem.
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>>54 not really. there's far more gypsies than anything and they're still a small minority
RIP Jānis 09/09/2022 (Fri) 06:15:54 No. 45 Reply
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Putina vienības Jānis 08/30/2022 (Tue) 18:28:22 No. 40 Reply
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>«Putina vienības» aktīvisti, pārsvarā vecāka gada gājuma cilvēki, sapulcējušies kopā, lai protestētu pret Baltijas valstīm un Poliju, kā arī to vadītājiem, sadedzinot to foto attēlus. >Viena no aktīvistēm, turot rokās Latvijas prezidenta Egila Levita fotoattēlu, norāda, ka protestē pret Baltijas valstīm ar “šo cilvēku priekšgalā, kurš grib Krievijas cilvēkiem uzbūvēt koncentrācijas nometnes”. Viņa pauž neizpratni, kā tā var rīkoties pret krievu tautu, kas Latviju atbrīvojusi no fašisma un cīnījusies par latviešu tautas laimi, liecina ieraksts vietnē Telegram. >Activists of the "Putin Unit", mostly elderly people, have gathered to protest against the Baltic States and Poland and their leaders by burning their photos. >One of the activists, holding a photo of Latvian President Egils Levits, said she was protesting against the Baltic States with "this man at the head who wants to build concentration camps for the Russian people". She is puzzled how this can be against the Russian people, who liberated Latvia from fascism and fought for the happiness of the Latvian people, according to a Telegram post. >Сожгли прибалтийских фашистов! >🔥🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪🇵🇱🔥 https://ritakafija.lv/2022/08/30/video-putina-vienibas-aktivisti-dedzina-baltijas-valstu-lideru-foto/
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>>40 >fascist i think that has become a buzzword Kapec vini vienkarsi nepamet latvijas zemi un brauc uz krieviju?
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>>42 100% a buzzword, it's just old soviet tricks. >Kapec vini vienkarsi nepamet latvijas zemi un brauc uz krieviju? "latvija ir krievija, rusofobi. mēs jūs izglabam no fašisma"
LARPing commie niggers Jānis 08/25/2022 (Thu) 18:17:15 No. 37 Reply
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Why do these scum live in WHITE LATVIA when russia exists? like go back you fucking old fuck, you don't even speak white aryan latvian.
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>>37 Nobody cares that you "russians"(pre-war) live here, but when you complain about what LATVIANS do, then you have to complain like a 12 yo faggot.
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>white aryan latvian. 500 years ago you would be complaining about the german opressors you fucking retard. balts aren't even aryan >>38 do you get paid per post?
Nebus tev elektriba Jānis 08/17/2022 (Wed) 15:23:03 No. 28 Reply
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lietuvā nav problmēmu
Fish Holocaust approved by Poland Jānis 08/13/2022 (Sat) 09:41:16 No. 27 Reply
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https://apnews.com/article/crime-poland-animals-fish-c96e8036a2dbb92ea61ce4df3c97a467 >Przemyslaw Daca, head of Polish Waters, the national water management authority, said Thursday that 10 tons of dead fish have been removed from the river. >“This shows that we are dealing with a gigantic and outrageous ecological catastrophe,” he said at a news conference near the river where officials faced angry residents. >Meanwhile, German officials complained that Poland failed to honor an international treaty by not notifying them immediately about the possible contamination of the river. A boat captain first alerted German authorities about the dead fish on Aug. 9. >According to Morawiecki, the scale of the pollution is so large that it may take years for the river ecosystem to recover. >Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced Thursday that soldiers and reservists were being deployed to help remove pollutants from the river, which is known as the Oder in German and the Odra in Polish and Czech. It flows north for hundreds of miles from the Oder Mountains of Czechia and empties into the Baltic Sea. https://www.tuolawa.pl/artykul/27691,szef-jack-polu-to-czysta-woda-drabinski-jezeli-to-zwykla-woda-ja-tego-pana-przeprosze >To woda z wykopu, mamy pozwolenia z Wód Polskich na zrzut wody z wykopu, ponieważ robimy inwestycję i ta woda sobie wylatuje. Wody Polskie wydały decyzję, że możemy ją tędy spuszczać. >Prezes Jack-Polu zapewnia, że to czysta woda. >This is water from the excavation, we have permits from Polish waters to discharge water from the excavation, because we are making an investment and this water flies out. Polish waters issued a decision that we can drain it here. >President Jack-pole assures that this is clean water.
Estonian "NAFO" Convoy Jānis 08/07/2022 (Sun) 11:18:19 No. 25 Reply
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https://nitter.snopyta.org/ragnars/status/1555868365381681152 > The First very much (not)official NAFO convoy have arrived to Kyiv & now trucks are already on the way to frontline. It was a splendid only 46 hours drive from London. #WeAreNAFO
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I agree with the sentiment and all, but you can't look at this seriously and not cringe. Looks like a LARP, but I do hope that these people prove me wrong.